Plantas Medicinais de Köhler 19世紀末 歐洲最常用的藥用植物圖集
該作品分為三冊,是一本帶 283 張幻燈片(I - 88 張,II - 115 張,III - 80 張)的圖解指南,其中附有藥用植物插圖和一本簡短的專著,其中詳細介紹了每種植物的植物學和藥用功效. 高質量彩色石版畫中的插圖詳細而逼真地反映了該物種的形態特徵。
這部作品以赫爾曼·科勒( Hermann Köhler ,1834-1879 年)的一部作品為基礎,在他死後,古斯塔夫·帕布斯特 ( Gustav Pabst ) 繼續這部作品。插圖由插畫家Walther Müller和Carl Friedrich Schmidt繪製,由Karl Günther雕刻並使用彩色平版印刷技術印刷。[ 4 ]
-wiki info
原名 | Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen in naturgetreuen Abbildungen mit kurz erläuterndem Texte |
作者 | Köhler, H.A |
語言 | 德文 |
主題 | 藥用植物 |
發行情況 | |
編輯 | Pabst, G. |
插圖 | Müeller, L., Schmidt, C.F. |
出版機構 | Gera-Untermhaus: Köhler, F.E. |
出版時間 | 1887年 |
和紙貼紙 65.1 * 46.5 mm 可重覆貼,日本進口和紙貼原料製作而成
資訊太多,而且沒有整合好的資訊,加上bora or ai 都訪問不出列表,等有時間再補
豪華板 要改天 先設計包裝
第三冊 | ||||
Identifier | Botanical Name | English Name | Traditional Chinese Name | |
01 Karet Oblong Palaquium Gutta | 01 Karet Oblong | Palaquium Gutta | Gutta-Percha Tree | Getah Merah |
02 Corn Chamomile Anthemis Arvensis | 02 Corn Chamomile | Anthemis Arvensis | Corn Chamomile | 雛菊 |
03 Stinking Chamomile Anthemis Cotula | 03 Stinking Chamomile | Anthemis Cotula | Dog Fennel | 苿菊 |
04 Mugwort Artemisia Vulgaris | 04 Mugwort | Artemisia Vulgaris | Mugwort | 艾草 |
05 Landolphia Landolphia Comorensis | 05 Landolphia | Landolphia Comorensis | African Rubber Vine | 非洲橡膠藤 |
06 Landolphia 2 Landolphia Watsonii | 06 Landolphia 2 | Landolphia Watsonii | Watson's Landolphia | 華特森的蘭多菲亞 |
07 Rubber Willoughbya Firma | 07 Rubber Willoughbya Firma | Willoughbya Firma | Firm Rubber Tree | 堅橡膠樹 |
08 Rubber 2 Urceola Elastica | 08 Rubber 2 | Urceola Elastica | Elastica Rubber Tree | 彈性橡膠樹 |
09 Common Poppy Papaver Rhoeas | 09 Common Poppy | Papaver Rhoeas | Field Poppy | 野罌粟 |
10 White Mustard Sinapis Alba | 10 White Mustard | Sinapis Alba | White Mustard | 白芥菜 |
11 Cola Cola Acuminata | 11 Cola | Cola Acuminata | Cola Nut Tree | 可樂果樹 |
12 Palaquium Palaquium Treubii | 12 Palaquium | Palaquium Treubii | Treub's Palaquium | 特魯布的帕拉奎姆 |
13 Cola 2 Cola Acuminata | 13 Cola 2 | Cola Acuminata | Cola Nut Tree | 可樂果樹 |
14 Northorn Water Hemlock Poison Cicuta Virosa | 14 Northorn Water Hemlock Poison | Cicuta Virosa | Water Hemlock | 水毒芹 |
15 Water Hemlock 2 Aethussa Cynapium | 15 Water Hemlock 2 | Aethussa Cynapium | Fool's Parsley | 毒芹 |
16 Cumin Cuminum Cyminum | 16 Cumin | Cuminum Cyminum | Cumin | 孜然 |
17 Parsley Petroselinum Sativum | 17 Parsley | Petroselinum Sativum | Garden Parsley | 歐芹 |
18 Arnebia Macrotomia Cephalotes | 18 Arnebia Macrotomia Cephalotes | Arnebia Macrotomia Cephalotes | Armenian Borage | 亞美尼 |
19 Corkwood Duboisia Myoporoides | 19 Corkwood | Duboisia Myoporoides | Corkwood | 軟木樹 |
20 Henbane Bell Scopolina Atropoides | 20 Henbane | Scopolina Atropoides | Belladonna | 顛茄 |
21 Scammony Convolvulus Scammonia | 21 Scammony | Convolvulus Scammonia | Scammony Bindweed | 大戟桐 |
22 Dalmatian Pellitory Chrysanthemum Cinerariaefolium | 22 Dalmatian Pellitory | Chrysanthemum Cinerariaefolium | Powdered Chrysanthemum | 菊花 |
23 Karet Oblong 2 Palaquium Oblongifolium | 23 Karet Oblong 2 | Palaquium Oblongifolium | Oblong-Leaved Palaquium | 長葉帕拉奎姆 |
24 Painted Daisy Chrysanthemum Roseum | 24 Painted Daisy | Chrysanthemum Roseum | Painted Daisy | 秋菊 |
25 Armenian Daisy Chrysanthemum Marschallii | 25 Armenian Daisy | Chrysanthemum Marschallii | Ox-Eye Daisy | 牛眼菊 |
26 Bridal Rose Daisy Chrysanthemum Inodorum | 26 Bridal Rose Daisy | Chrysanthemum Inodorum | Chrysanthemum | 菊花 |
27 Papaya Tree Carica Papaya | 27 Papaya Tree | Carica Papaya | Papaya Tree | 番木 |
28 Papaya Fruit Carica Papaya | 28 Papaya Fruit | Carica Papaya | Papaya Fruit | 番木果 |
29 Scotch Broom Sarothamnus Scoparius | 29 Scotch Broom | Sarothamnus Scoparius | Scotch Broom | 山地金雀花 |
30 Indigo Guatemalan Indigofera Anil | 30 Indigo | Indigofera Anil | True Indigo | 靛藍 |
31 Queen Anne's Lace Cow Parsley Anthriscus Silvestris | 31 Queen Anne's Lace | Anthriscus Silvestris | Cow Parsley | 野胡蘿蔔 |
32 Parsnip Chervil Chaerophyllum Bulbosum | 32 Parsnip Chervil | Chaerophyllum Bulbosum | Turnip-Rooted Chervil | 根芹 |
33 Witch Hazel American Hamamelis Virginiana | 33 Witch Hazel | Hamamelis Virginiana | Witch Hazel | 美洲金縷梅 |
34 Payena Payena Leerii | 34 Payena | Payena Leerii | Leer's Payena | 里爾的帕耶納 |
35 Tasmanian Blue Gum Eucalyptus Globulus | 35 Tasmanian Blue Gum | Eucalyptus Globulus | Eucalyptus | 桉樹 |
36 Jamaican Dogwood Piscidia Erythrina | 36 Jamaican Dogwood | Piscidia Erythrina | Jamaican Dogwood | 牙買加狗木 |
37 Peanut Arachis Hypogaea | 37 Peanut | Arachis Hypogaea | Peanut | 花生 |
38 Indian Sandalwood Santalum Album | 38 Indian Sandalwood | Santalum Album | Sandalwood | 檀香 |
39 Wintergreen American Gaultheria Procumbens | 39 Wintergreen | Gaultheria Procumbens | Wintergreen | 冬青 |
40 Strychnine Strychnos Toxifera | 40 Strychnine | Strychnos Toxifera | Strychnine Tree | 番木 |
41 St. Ignatius Bean Strychnos Jgnatii | 41 St. Ignatius Bean | Strychnos Nux Vomica | St. Ignatius Bean | 馬錢子 |
42 Yellow Jessamine Gelsenium Sempervirens | 42 Yellow Jessamine | Gelsemium Sempervirens | Yellow Jessamine | 黃蟬 |
43 White Quebracho Aspidosperma Quebracho | 43 White Quebracho | Aspidosperma Quebracho | White Quebracho | 白奎阿勃羅 |
44 Bergamot Orange Citrus Bergamia | 44 Bergamot Orange | Citrus Bergamia | Bergamot Orange | 佛手柑 |
45 Cascara Buckthorn Rhamnus Purshiana | 45 Cascara Buckthorn | Rhamnus Purshiana | Cascara Buckthorn | 洋棗 |
46 Wax Tree Rhus Succedanea | 46 Wax Tree | Rhus Succedanea | Wax Tree | 漆樹 |
47 Cashew Anacardium Occidentale | 47 Cashew | Anacardium Occidentale | Cashew | 腰果 |
48 Soapberry Schleichera Trijuga | 48 Soapberry | Schleichera Trijuga | Soapberry | 皂莢 |
49 Rose Madder Rubia Tinctorum | 49 Rose Madder | Rubia Tinctorum | Madder | 茜草 |
50 Ploughman's Spikenard Conyza Squarosa | 50 Ploughman's Spikenard Conyza Squarosa | Conyza Squarrosa | Ploughman's Spikenard | 野藿香 |
51 Sea Mango Cerbera Lactaria | 51 Sea Mango | Cerbera Lactaria | Sea Mango | 海芒果 |
52 Feverfew Chrysanthemum Parthenium | 52 Feverfew | Chrysanthemum Parthenium | Feverfew | 金盞花 |
53 Poison Mango Cerbera Tanghin | 53 Poison Mango | Cerbera Tanghin | Poison Mango | 毒芒果 |
54 Sesame Sesamum Indicum | 54 Sesame | Sesamum Indicum | Sesame | 芝麻 |
55 Boldo Peumus Boldus | 55 Boldo | Peumus Boldus | Boldo | 菩提樹 |
56 Ceara Rubber Manihot Glaziovii | 56 Ceara Rubber | Manihot Glaziovii | Ceara Rubber | 塞拉橡膠 |
57 Yerba Matte Ilex Paraguariensis | 57 Yerba Matte | Ilex Paraguariensis | Yerba Mate | 馬黛茶 |
58 Merigold Pot Calendula Officinalis | 58 Merigold Pot | Calendula Officinalis | Marigold | 金盞花 |
59 Guarana Paullinia Cupana | 59 Guarana | Paullinia Cupana | Guarana | 瓜拿納 |
60 Buchu Leaf Barosma Betulina | 60 Buchu Leaf | Barosma Betulina | Buchu | 布丘 |
61 Acokanthera Acocanthera Abyssinica | 61 Acokanthera | Acokanthera Abyssinica | Strophanthus | 毒箭藤 |
62 Pheasant's Eye Adonis Vernalis | 62 Pheasant's Eye | Adonis Vernalis | Pheasant's Eye | 野牡丹 |
63 Fennel Flower Nigella Sativa | 63 Fennel Flower | Nigella Sativa | Fennel Flower | 茴香花 |
64 Delphinium Delphinium Staphysagria | 64 Delphinium | Delphinium Staphysagria | Delphinium | 飛燕草 |
65 Monkshood Indian Aconite Aconitum Ferox | 65 Monkshood Indian Aconite | Aconitum Ferox | Monkshood | 烏頭 |
66 Sweet Birch Betula Lenta | 66 Sweet Birch | Betula Lenta | Sweet Birch | 白樺 |
67 Cassava Yuca Manihot Utilissima | 67 Cassava Yuca | Manihot Utilissima | Cassava | 木薯 |
68 Chestnut Sweet Castanea Vesea | 68 Chestnut Sweet | Castanea Vesea | Sweet Chestnut | 栗子 |
69 Panema Rubber Tree Castilloa Elastica | 69 Panema Rubber Tree | Castilloa Elastica | Panema Rubber Tree | 帕內馬橡膠樹 |
70 Rubber Fig Tree Urostigma Elasticum | 70 Rubber Fig Tree | Urostigma Elasticum | Rubber Fig Tree | 橡膠榕 |
71 Sand Sedge Carex Arenaria | 71 Sand Sedge | Carex Arenaria | Sand Sedge | 沙草 |
72 Rice Oryza Sativa | 72 Rice | Oryza Sativa | Rice | 稻米 |
73 Coconut Seeding Cocos Nucifera | 73 Coconut Seeding | Cocos Nucifera | Coconut | 椰子 |
74 Coconut Fruit Cocos Nucifera | 74 Coconut Fruit | Cocos Nucifera | Coconut | 椰子果 |
75 African Oil Palm Elaeis guineensis | 75 African Oil Palm | Elaeis guineensis | African Oil Palm | 非洲油棕 |
76 Corn Maize Zea Mays | 76 Corn Maize | Zea Mays | Corn | 玉米 |
77 Prickly Juniper Cedar Juniperus Oxycedrus | 77 Prickly Juniper Cedar | Juniperus Oxycedrus | Prickly Juniper Cedar | 刺柏 |
78 Para Rubber Tree Hevea Brasiliensis | 78 Para Rubber Tree | Hevea Brasiliensis | Para Rubber Tree | 巴西橡膠樹 |
79 Lily of the Valley Convallaria Majalis | 79 Lily of the Valley | Convallaria Majalis | Lily of the Valley | 鈴蘭 |
80 Roman Chamomile Anthemis Nobilis | 80 Roman Chamomile | Anthemis Nobilis | Roman Chamomile | 羅馬洋甘菊 |